Tag-arkiv: CDS

International Youth Day

CDS portalen Storiesforchange.net har annonceret kampagnen International Youth Day (International Ungdomsdag). I perioden 12. August til 2. September opfordres der til, at film lavet af unge profileres.

Vi vil gerne støtte op om projektet og henviser hermed alle til at kigge på, hvilke fantastiske historier børn og unge kan fortælle i en digital historie. Se filmene på storiesforchange.net

Udgivet 13. august 2008 af nikoline

Workshoppen i Berkeley I

Hvordan foregår en workshop i digital storytelling? Jeg er taget til Californien for at blive en certificeret træner i disse workshops. I de næste dage vil jeg blogge om mine oplevelser.

Det er første dag, hvor vi træner storytellerne. De personer, som har været med på en 3-dages workshop om digital storytelling kender den energi, der eksisterer omkring det at fortælle en historie fra en personlig vinkel. Men når man er med som træner, er energi-niveauet helt deroppe, hvor man ikke ved om man kan holde til det.

Jeg sidder i Center for Digital Storytelling sammen med 6 andre trainees. Vi har skrevet os op til at lære kunsten at guide en 3-dages workshop om digital storytelling. Rummet er mørkt, lidt småt. Det er ikke det store center, som jeg forventede det at være. Der er kun 1 rum, som gør det ud for 5 ansattes kontor, workshop-lokale, køkken, hyggehjørne og træningslokale.

Men Rob, Andrea og Joe er meget rummelige og vidende. Vi begynder workshoppen mandag morgen kl. 9. Da vi når middag, ved jeg ikke om det er al informationen på engelsk, den intimative stemining eller mit jetlag, som får mig til at ønske, at jeg kunne gøre som Marshall. Falde i søvn. Vågne med sæt og sige noget vanvittigt klogt.

Vi bliver fyldt op med viden omkring, hvordan en workshop skal køres. Ground rules, facilitating story circles, De 7 elementer… ordene snorrer i mit hoved, da jeg kl. 17.30 vinker farvel til mine med-trainees. Jeg skal skynde mig hjem og læse på Point of View, som jeg skal undervise allerede onsdag, når storytellerne kommer.

Og nu sidder jeg her. Det er onsdag. En time igen og så er første workshop dag for storytellerne færdig. Det er jeg også. Altså færdig.

Udgivet 22. maj 2008 af nikoline

No. 2: Digital Clubhouse

How can a digital storytelling project be formed? In this series we present projects from around the world to give you inspiration to your work with digital storytelling.

Several projects about digital storytelling have evolved since Joe Lambert and Dana Atchley first came up with the idea of making workshops with digital stories in 1993. One of these is the Digital Clubhouse project.

Digital Clubhouse is a digital storytelling project with two Clubhouses so far, one centered in Silicon Valley, California and another in New York City. In the clubhouses people of all ages come together in an effort to create new applications for digital technology. The mission is to use of the media to enrich education and lifelong learning, promote public health, preserve history, and encourage a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity (Digiclub.org).

All programs and projects are free in the sense that everyone who participates must “pay back” in terms of tutoring the next group of participants. The Digital Clubhouses offer different kinds of programs, from programs in creating a personal digital story to programs that are devoted to preserving the stories

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of the American nation’s war veterans and programs geared toward telling the stories of ethnic minorities and making a community for people at risk.

The Digital Clubhouse is based on the methods of Center for Digital Storytelling. The programs are also similar to programs thought at the Center for Digital Storytelling, except for the obligations of every participant to contribute her/his time and effort after completing a program. It’s a good example of a user-driven project. Moreover it shows how seniors and youth can benefit from each other and bridge a divide in age.

To read more about Digital Clubhouse, please visit www.digiclub.org.

Udgivet 18. februar 2008 af nikoline

No. 1: Father of Digital Stories: Center for Digital Storytelling

How can a digital storytelling project be formed? In this series we present projects from around the world to give you inspiration to your work with digital storytelling.

Center for Digital Storytelling is the most important institution in the movement and practice of digital storytelling. Center for Digital Storytelling is to where it all started.

In 1994 the media producer and artist Dana Atchley, had developed NEXT EXIT, a multimedia autobiography. In his work he met the local theater producer/dramatic consultant Joe Lambert. Joe Lambert and Dana Atchley soon found out that they had a common interest in storytelling and media use. When they met Nina

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Mullen the Center of Digital Storytelling was born. The Center was built around a unique training process, the Digital Storytelling Workshop.

The Center for Digital Storytelling became to be the primary institution associated with digital storytelling.

The center offers workshop all over the United States and beyond in the process of creating digital stories as well how to teach the process of making digital stories, involving media professionals, teachers, students and any other people with interest in telling their stories.

Usually it is a three-day intensive workshop, which offers an introduction to working with digital imaging and digital video software. Students craft and record first-person narratives and collect still images and music to illustrate their pieces. In managing the software tools they get help from computer tutorials, which enable them, with teacher support, to edit their own stories. At the end of the workshop each student presents a personal 3-5 minutes digital story (Storycenter.org).

After 14 years of practice, the knowledge gained from these workshops is available in a so-called ‘Cookbook’. ‘The Digital Storytelling Cookbook’ is a practical guide in how to make digital stories and is considered to be the bible in the field of digital storytelling.

The model practiced at Center for Digital Storytelling is referred to worldwide as the Californian model.

To read more about the center, please visit www.storycenter.org

Udgivet af nikoline