My Europe projekt

Vores samarbejdspartnere i Sverige, Umeå har i denne uge meddelt at de nu officielt er blevet indstillet til Europas Kulturby 2014. Jenny Eklund som er projektleder på projektet siger følgende:

“I can proudly report that Umeå is now officially appointed to be the European Capital of Culture 2014.
That means that there will be possible to realize some trans-european digital storytellingprojects in the near future.”

Digital StoryLab er med som samarbejdspartnere, og vi glæder os meget til at udføre nogle projekter på tværs af Europa og ikke mindst vores naboer i de Nordiske lande.

Projektet hedder MY Europe og lige nu er navn, logo og website igang med at blive idégeneret på – så hvis I ønsker at komme med input til navn eller kender en dygtig grafisk designer så skriv endelig eller kom med forslag til navnet på projektbloggen

Beskrivelse af projektet lyder som følgende:

My Europe
In recent years, personal experience stories have received more and more focus in many cultural ex-pressions. Homemade videos on YouTube, digital storytelling and blogging are a few examples of spontaneous cultural movements that have exploded in their scope. The objective of the My Europe project is to gather and distribute impressions from people’s lives and thoughts on eight different themes with the EU concept as their common denominator.

A multilingual website will be created where people’s life stories can be published in various digital forms of expression: video clips, digital storytelling, stills, series, SMS texts, songs, and so on. We want to encourage storytelling through challenges, competitions and simple technical solutions.
The objective of the project is alsp to create a virtual museum for life storytelling in Umeå, a Museum of the Person, to participate in the growth of a European network for digital storytelling and to arrange a conference on self-biographical storytelling in may 2014.

Udgivet 12. september 2009 af nikoline